FOI to Gwaunmeisgyn Primary School after they refuse to discuss their victim blaming promotion of hiviz:
FOI Request “Be Bright be seen competition”
In respect of the following tweet, made at 8:17am on 19th October 2016:
Winners of the ‘Be bright – be seen’ competition @SustransCymru
- What is your evidence base to show that high visibility clothing is an effective measure in the promotion of road safety?
- What research, if any, has the school conducted to determine which cities or countries have the most successful records in child accident prevention, and which methodologies such places use to achieve these outcomes?
- What measures, if any, has the school taken to promote safe driving amongst parents of school children, and other drivers in the locality?
- What steps, if any, has the school taken to campaign for zebra crossings or similar such measures, specifically to cross Gwaunmiskin Rd at the junction with Heol Clwyddau, and also at the intersection with the footpath running northeast from Manor Chase?
- What steps, if any, has the school taken to campaign for measures such as pedestrian refuges (with cycle bypass) to enable safe crossing on the path running across Gwaummiskin Rd, immediately to the northeast of the northernmost point on Carlton Crescent?
- What steps, if any, has the school taken to campaign for the installation of cycle paths on Gwaummiskin Rd?
- Following discussion of this matter on twitter on the evening of 19th October, how many twitter accounts in total has the school blocked?
The post Gwaunmeisgyn Primary FOI appeared first on Pedal Parity.